Largest Network of Agriculture Group. Connected withFarmers, Workers, Mandi Market, Students, Agro Companiesin the INDIA
Kisaanhelpline Connect Mandi to Farmers
and Farmers to Mandi Market. “Kisaan Help Line” app & website portal objective: Application provides information about agriculture,
mandi market, mandies news, education, agriculture banking, and latest technology
for farming and farmers connectivity with internet (Digital Technology) for
smart farming.
खरीफ फसल: फसलों धान, मक्का, ज्वार, बाजरा / बाजरा, रागी / रागी (अनाज), अरहर (दाल), सोयाबीन, मूंगफली (तिलहन), कपास आदि शामिल हैं
रबी फसल: फसलों गेहूं, जौ, जई (अनाज), चना / चना (दाल), अलसी, सरसों (तिलहन)आदि शामिल हैं