Friday, 23 December 2022

How to Get the Most Out of the Best Agriculture Mobile App

Based on the nexus of cybernetics and agronomy, agriculture software is a relatively recent and beneficial digital discovery. Digital applications make the lives of agrarians easier. Because of their clever innovations, their business is more relaxed, predictable, certain, and profitable.

The farm management system enables farmers to complete numerous daily management tasks in an easier way. Technologies of all kinds are developed to assist people in quickly reaching important decisions.

What effects has the world of mobile communications technology seen?

The most popular method for transmitting data, voice, and various services in use today is mobility, which has grown quickly. Due to the exponentially high rate of growth in mobile device use, businesses are starting to look into how they can make the most of mobile technology to grow their operations. Using apps is undoubtedly the best way to provide clients with information and services. The use of kisan helpline mobile application enables businesses to more effectively and individually reach a larger audience. Mobility has completely changed every industry, from retail to banking to healthcare, and it is now moving toward the agricultural sector as well.

Are mobile apps the most suitable technology for today's agricultural industry?

The sheer number of mobile applications on the market is overwhelming the world! There is a lot that a mobile phone is capable of doing, from the retailers who are eager to use their phones for business purposes beyond just talking or texting to the modern-day farmers who use them to search for necessary information.

Some recent studies make it crystal clear who uses which service and what the users' needs are. The creators of mobile applications are figuring out how a specific service will fit into the lives of farmers. As a result, they are developing apps with services that will be extremely helpful for the farmers.

Farmers' lives now revolve entirely around mobile applications

Numerous farmers use mobile apps to carry out their daily tasks. The introduction of mobile apps has demonstrated many useful advantages in the agricultural sector, ranging from improved land management decisions to high-quality yield. Farmers have even begun utilising various mobile applications to assess the health of the yields throughout the crop cycle. Additionally, some of the most recent mobile apps are used to make crucial farming decisions regarding the use of pesticides and fertilisers. Farmers now have the advantage of basing their decisions on research rather than just gut feelings or custom.

Introducing the Kisaan Helpline App

The Kisaan Helpline Mobile Application is a unique Kisan platform that offers farmers one-stop shopping for services. The village-level online platforms that make up Kisaan Helpline combine to offer a variety of services to farmers at the moment. With the assistance of more than 1.5 lakh farmers throughout India, Kisaan Helpline has established a niche for itself in the field of conscious and intelligent farming. A comprehensive and cutting-edge agriculture platform, the Smart Kheti and Krishi App for Farmers, links farmers and regular citizens from rural communities across the nation and assists them in producing high levels of productivity from their work and managing it effectively.

Here, we list the characteristics that the Kisaan Helpline mobile application must have:

• Weather forecasts: These inform farmers of the current weather conditions so they can adjust their farming practices.

• Livestock management: managing various livestock, including tracking their output and other tasks.

• GPS or location-based services would be beneficial for farmers.

• Broadcasting and video calls—to enable farmers to consult specialists via video calls. By broadcasting, they could build a community within the app where they could exchange useful advice or gain insight from other farmers' experiences.

• Support: To get responses to their questions from professionals.

• Calendar: For planning and monitoring various activities related to crops.

• Push notification: To get immediate alerts on various events or when a professional sends them a message.

• Organizing and maintaining a record of the pesticides, seeds, equipment, and other agricultural supplies

• Payment gateway: farmers can use this to purchase products from an online store.

• Crop information—to inform farmers of crop diseases, issues, and solutions.

The following list outlines the main characteristics of the Kisaan Helpline:

1) Keeps track of income and expansion

In modern farming, the days of recording your activities and expenses on a piece of paper are long gone. Spreadsheets aren't always the most effective way to gather and manage data. You can increase the productivity of your farm's financial operations by implementing software for agriculture management.

2) Measures of performance and risk

Field performance analysis can be a helpful tool for determining risk if you raise crops on your farm. You'll find it simpler to make future plans if you can look back on past corporate decisions. One aspect to take into account when assessing field performance, predicting yields, and estimating sale prices is input costs. You can organise data with the aid of a farm management system to help you make better business decisions.

3) Allows for simple data access

You must have access to information if you want to operate a profitable farming operation. On a daily basis, farm operations frequently involve a number of people. Farm staff can track crucial data that the farm owner can keep track of using farm management software.

4) Functions as a Growth Accelerator

The technology used in farm management systems is intended for the progressive farmer. A number of management systems can be accessed using tablets and smartphones. These features allow users to farm while they are on the go. The best farm management systems typically come with an annual fee to use them, but this is frequently a small price to pay when trying to expand your farm. Farming becomes more productive and profitable thanks to the use of farm management software.


Experts in agriculture and our team provide free access to all farming-related information for farmers. With over 25 agriculture experts, Kisaan Helpline offers a wide variety of information about more than 160 different types of crops and varieties, including phal-phal, herbal, Rabi, Kharif, and more. Crop seed selection, seed treatment, seed variety, soil testing, field and soil preparation, nurseries, planting of plants or seeds, choice of chemical and organic fertilisers, irrigation, crop protection, insecticides, fungicides, harvesting, and other related activities Additionally, you can view the most recent market price for your neighborhood’s market on Mandi wise. You may contact us if you have any concerns related to the content of the blog.

The Benefits of Having Your Soil Tested


Soil Testing

A soil test is crucial for a number of reasons, including maximising crop production, protecting the environment from runoff and excess fertiliser leaching, assisting in the diagnosis of plant culture issues, enhancing the nutritional balance of the growing medium, and saving money and energy by using only the necessary amount of fertiliser. Analyses of pre-plant media give a hint as to possible nutrient deficiencies, pH imbalances, or too many soluble salts. This is crucial for growers who prepare their own media. An essential tool for controlling crop nutrition and levels of soluble salts is media testing during the growing season.

Why Conduct Soil Testing?

The first step in any healthy crop production programme is to determine the precise nutrients present in your farm soil as well as its pH. Depending on the health and condition of the soil, crops are typically grown on a very wide variety of soil types with varying requirements for fertiliser. By adding too many nutrients, soil can become unbalanced, which eventually affects the environment and contaminates water and the creatures that live there.

What is the pH of Soil?

On a scale of 0 to 14, the pH of a soil indicates how acidic or alkaline it is. Zero denotes extremely high acidity, whereas fourteen denotes extremely high alkalinity, and seven denotes neutrality. A farm's ideal soil should have a pH between 6.0 and 7.5. The availability of nutrients in the soil is directly impacted by a slight pH imbalance. Acidic or sour soils require the application of products containing limestone, whereas alkaline soils require the application of products containing sulphur. For proper nutrient uptake and plant health, it is essential to carry out the task gradually when adjusting the pH of a farm's soil, which may take several years.

The following are the main benefits of testing farm soil:

1) It informs the farmer of the soil's current condition and how to improve it

The soil's biological, chemical, and physical characteristics determine its fertility. The eye can see characteristics like structure, soil texture, and colour. However, it is challenging to determine the chemical makeup of soil. Soil diagnosis is necessary, which is why soil sampling is important. The pH and level of nutrients in the soil are determined through soil tests. Farmers who have this knowledge can specify the type and amount of fertiliser that will best improve the soil on their farm. This is crucial because healthy crops require fertile soils to grow.

2) Fertilizer costs are reduced as a result of soil testing

There will be no wastage of such farm inputs if you know the precise deficiency that your soil is experiencing. Farmers are prevented from wasting money on unnecessary additional fertiliser application by knowing how much and what kind of fertilisers their crops and soil require. Additionally, inorganic fertilisers' nutrients, like potassium and phosphorus, are scarce resources. Because of their limited or rather finite supply, it is necessary to use these resources carefully in order to avoid a future shortage.

3) In some cases, overfertilization has been found in soil tests

Overfertilization results from fertiliser application to soil without knowledge of the precise and actual nutrient requirements. Farmers are prevented from applying an excessive amount of fertiliser and the associated environmental damage is minimized by testing their soil first and receiving informed fertiliser recommendations. Overfertilization may cause nutrient leaching, water pollution, and irreparable harm to aquatic life. All of these detrimental environmental effects can be avoided with just a simple soil test. Furthermore, excessive fertiliser use could harm crops and the environment by causing fertiliser burn.

4) Farmers can quickly prevent soil erosion

According to research, erosion, which is brought on by improper soil management, results in the loss of more than 24 billion tonnes of fertile soil annually. Additionally, an estimated 1.5 billion people's livelihoods and health are directly impacted by land degradation. The process of restoring the soil is expensive, challenging, and time-consuming. As a result, it is simpler to improve soil management through soil testing, and applying the proper amounts of

5) Farmers who work in fertile soils can help feed the world's expanding population

The soil is under more stress than ever before thanks to the current generation. To produce the yields necessary to feed the world's ever-increasing population, fertile soils are required. Increased crop production results from better soil health, which may solve the global food security problems. Millions of people will eventually live better lives as a result of this. The first step in managing soil is soil testing. The activity provides farmers with useful knowledge that aids in improving the health of the soil; in turn, healthy soils imply healthy crops!

The value of soil testing has been understood since the beginning. In farming, it's crucial to take note of different soil types and variations in soil properties.

Farmer Advantages

There are many advantages to soil testing for farmers. Crop growth is improved by healthy soil. Before the harvest, farmers can start testing their soil to learn how they can improve it. Farmers can gain from these advantages by:

• Increasing yields and profits because you are giving your crops the nutrients they need.

• Improving the uniformity of nutrient availability throughout a field.

• Better crop growth uniformity. Additionally, this makes individual plants more resistant to weeds and streamlines procedures like cultivation and spraying.

• More constant plant maturation This can make crop drying and harvesting Easier while also enhancing market quality.

• Allowing for the precise adjustment of which nutrients are required. assisting you in allocating your fertiliser budget toward the nutrients that will increase your profits the most.

Kisaan Helpline – who are we?

A dedicated full-stack data-driven technology platform for farmers called Kisaan Helpline seeks to improve farming and farmers' intelligence. Our research-based information provides farmers with better options for 150 crops up until harvest.

We give rural youths, individual farmers, and groups the chance to set up their very own mini lab for a soil health assessment.

In order to improve soil texture and provide better plant nutrition advice, we will install a small soil lab at the block level or the closest point to the farmer's reach. We will also advocate organic farming to preserve soil.

What role does the Kisaan Helpline play in soil testing?

Mini Lab for Digital Soil Testing

An advanced soil testing kit is the digital soil testing mini lab. It examines 14 different aspects of the soil, makes fertiliser dosage recommendations for 100 different crops, prints soil health cards, has a built-in battery backup of six hours, and can be powered by solar energy.

The Ministry of Agriculture of the Government of India has approved the use of the Digital Soil Testing Mini Lab for the Soil Health Card mission.

Digital Soil Testing Mini Lab

  • Tests 14 aspects of the soil and suggests amounts of fertiliser for 100 different crops.

  • Prints Soil Testing Report with complimentary Thermal Printer

  • Sends Soil Testing Report to Mobile via Bluetooth & Computer via USB

  • Has 6-hours in-built battery back-up

  • Can be charged via solar panel

  • Complete test in short span of time

  • Can be operated by anyone after free training

  • Tests all parameters required under Soil Health Card mission

Parameters Tested

  • Organic carbon (OC)

  • Available nitrogen (N)

  • Available phosphorus (P)

  • Available potassium (K)

  • Available copper (Cu)

  • Available manganese (Mn)

  • Electrical conductivity

  • Available zinc (Zn)

  • Available Sulphur (S)

  • Available boron (B)

  • Available iron (Fe)

  • Lime Requirement Test For Acidic Soil

  • Gypsum Requirement Test For Alkaline Soil

  • pH

The following services are provided:

- An evaluation of the irrigation water's quality.

- Soil and plant testing for macro- and micronutrients.

- A thorough nutritional analysis of manure intended solely for research.

- Testing for heavy metals and other pollutants in samples of soil and plants.

- Advice on how to apply fertilisers prudently.

- A recommendation for handling problematic soils.

We sincerely hope that this article on soil testing labs has helped you learn something new, and if you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to contact us. We're happy to help you in any way we can at the Kisaan Helpline!

Thursday, 22 December 2022

The A-Z of Agriculture Apps for Students


The importance of agricultural education

Everyone relies on agriculture to begin with. We require food, fibre, and natural resources on a daily basis. In addition to preparing students to become farmers, agriculture education programmes also prepare them to become scientists, nutritionists, teachers, and a host of other professions. The foundation for knowledgeable consumers and agriculturalists is built through a combination of classroom instruction and applied agriculture experiences outside of the classroom.

Public speaking, interviewing techniques, work-related abilities, and parliamentary procedure knowledge The chance to serve as a student leader at the school, district, state, and national levels is available to students in agriculture education programmes.

Agriculture-related jobs frequently require employees to work outside and can take them almost anywhere in the country. The allure of being able to work with animals or perform some manual labour is another factor. Among the most sought-after agricultural careers are:

• Agricultural Inspector

• Beekeeper

• Conservation Planner

• Endangered Species Biologist

• Forester

• Wildlife Officer

• Botanist

• Forest Ranger

• Landscaper

• Wildlife Inspector

The introduction of cloud-based and mobile apps

In this stage of civilization, it is becoming increasingly difficult to find raw materials and resources. The sustainability challenges that lie ahead are acknowledged as real when we take into account the pollution, rising emissions, soil deterioration, and water shortage. But recently, 3G mobile networks have started to appear all over the world, adding to this same scenario.

Despite the apparent disconnect between agriculture and mobile app technology, there is growing evidence that using mobile and cloud-based applications not only addresses these sustainability challenges but also generates revenue for both large agriculture-based companies and smallholder farmers.

How do technologies and mobile apps assist farmers?

With the aid of cloud computing, integrated IT systems, online education, and the widespread use of mobile phones, it is now simpler to disseminate agriculturally related information to farmers in the poorest communities. Farmers can make better land management decisions thanks to such connectivity and information flow, which is one of their many advantages.

For instance, it can make it possible to monitor soil condition in conjunction with weather data to better plan the planting and harvesting seasons. Similar to this, farmers can use geographic information systems to provide proactive information on pests and animal diseases so they can react in line with the level of risk. Utilizing cloud and mobile computing can also help optimise the use of water, seeds, and fertiliser.

Kisaan Helpline: What is it?

Kisaan Helpline, one of India's top portals for agricultural service providers, helps rural communities improve the productivity and sustainability of their agricultural operations. We support farmers in becoming more integrated, connected, and knowledgeable than ever. From land preparation, seeding, and sowing to plant nutrition and protection, we provide you with specialised knowledge that lasts through post-harvesting. We are the top agricultural service provider in India, assisting you in decision-making on the farm, enhancing performance, forecasting future events, and acting more successfully as predicted.

Why are we here?

Farmers are becoming less inclined to practice technological farming. Scriptures have referred to agriculture as the best profession, but the current economic climate has forced our food producers—farmers—to work as laborers with no profitable results. Let's resume our involvement in agriculture. Pursue the same standard of excellence.

Today's and tomorrow's food security are the responsibility of farmers. In addition to playing a crucial role in food distribution, they also perform a variety of other tasks that are advantageous to the environment, the economy, and society at large.

Why Should You Pick Us?

Reading Data

For the most recent update, we had a strong research team. KH maintains data going back years to assist farmers in resolving problems with crop management.


Our upcoming AI will be accessible to farmers around-the-clock. Farming requires innovation, and we are enthusiastic innovators.

Assistance & Solutions Live

Using Salah and Samadhan is a special method for answering farmers' questions.

The app Kisaan Helpline has benefits for students studying agriculture.

1. Constant accessibility

Students at colleges are required to adhere to a specific schedule. But regardless of the time of day, they can access a mobile learning app whenever they want. There are no restrictions on when students can access mobile apps, unlike in college. A smartphone or tablet with some learning apps already installed is all that is required. The majority of these learning apps have controls that are kid-friendly, so the student can use them independently with no issues.

2. Being interactive

A wide variety of appealing, engaging activities are included in agrilearning apps. An overarching feeling of boredom is accompanied by thoughts of traditional teaching techniques. They do not favor straying from the repetitive learning strategies of constrained and upright book learning, which would reduce the level of engagement. App learning encourages the brain's neurons to actively process the input, releasing a fresh viewpoint.

3. Internet sources

The enormous amount of resources that fill the cracks and crevices of the digital world are what give it its power. This platform's wealth suggests that knowledge seekers value it. People who cannot afford the luxury of full-time courses in schools or colleges prefer this platform because of its reach. Their ability to access a collection of ebooks, PDFs, and other online materials from anywhere and at any time is made possible by mobile applications.

4. Immediate Updates

Some apps are designed to help users learn as well as stay informed about important events, alerts, and other information. For today's dynamic change in the agriculture sector, it is crucial.

5. Making the Most of Your Free Time

No responsible parent wants their children to develop an "idiot box" addiction. Both excessive internet use and prolonged phone conversations are poor choices for passing the time. Here is where mobile applications show their value. Learning how to use mobile apps is one of the best things you can do with your free time. A learning app can be used by a student to make the most of their free time and learn new things. Without wasting any time, entertainment is guaranteed.


There are no size restrictions on mobile learning apps. Both Android and iPhone devices have become common travel companions for both parents and their children. Everywhere they go, especially on lengthy flights or trains, they transport them. With these tools, students don't have to miss any class time. With these tools, students don't have to miss any class time.

7. Monitoring Progress

Kisaan Helpline learns that the app offers the ability to track progress. One of the most important things that everyone wants to know is how the progress is being tracked.

The app's Kisaan Helpline description

1. Online portal for farmers offering services: India's Sustainable Advanced Farming System

The Kisaan Helpline Mobile Application is a unique Kisan platform that offers farmers one-stop shopping for services. The village-level online platforms that make up Kisaan Helpline combine to offer a variety of services to farmers at the moment. With the assistance of more than 1.5 lakh farmers throughout India, Kisaan Helpline has established a niche for itself in the field of conscious and intelligent farming.

2. How can the Kisaan Helpline be of service?

Experts in agriculture and our team provide free access to all farming-related information for farmers. More than 160 different types and varieties of crops are available through the Kisaan Helpline app.


Kisaan Helpline is a strong and adaptable farm management tool that integrates end-to-end solutions for data-driven decision-making for numerous agri-ecosystem stakeholders. With its real-time satellite- and weather-based advisory, agribusinesses and other agricultural organisations can accurately predict their output, increasing productivity and profitability.

It has never been simpler to keep track of pre- and post-harvest procedures thanks to Kisaan Helpline's traceability capabilities, which are supported by smart crop reports and insights for convenient reporting on the go. Kisaan Helpline also ensures sustainable farming for produce that is high in both quality and quantity by using only the right inputs at the right time. This is done by recommending a customised package of practises for each crop. If you have any questions, please contact us.

How to Get the Most Out of the Best Agriculture Mobile App


Based on the nexus of cybernetics and agronomy, agriculture software is a relatively recent and beneficial digital discovery. Digital applications make the lives of agrarians easier. Because of their clever innovations, their business is more relaxed, predictable, certain, and profitable.

The farm management system enables farmers to complete numerous daily management tasks in an easier way. Technologies of all kinds are developed to assist people in quickly reaching important decisions.

What effects has the world of mobile communications technology seen?

The most popular method for transmitting data, voice, and various services in use today is mobility, which has grown quickly. Due to the exponentially high rate of growth in mobile device use, businesses are starting to look into how they can make the most of mobile technology to grow their operations. Using apps is undoubtedly the best way to provide clients with information and services. The use of kisan helpline mobile application enables businesses to more effectively and individually reach a larger audience. Mobility has completely changed every industry, from retail to banking to healthcare, and it is now moving toward the agricultural sector as well.

Are mobile apps the most suitable technology for today's agricultural industry?

The sheer number of mobile applications on the market is overwhelming the world! There is a lot that a mobile phone is capable of doing, from the retailers who are eager to use their phones for business purposes beyond just talking or texting to the modern-day farmers who use them to search for necessary information.

Some recent studies make it crystal clear who uses which service and what the users' needs are. The creators of mobile applications are figuring out how a specific service will fit into the lives of farmers. As a result, they are developing apps with services that will be extremely helpful for the farmers.

Farmers' lives now revolve entirely around mobile applications

Numerous farmers use mobile apps to carry out their daily tasks. The introduction of mobile apps has demonstrated many useful advantages in the agricultural sector, ranging from improved land management decisions to high-quality yield. Farmers have even begun utilising various mobile applications to assess the health of the yields throughout the crop cycle. Additionally, some of the most recent mobile apps are used to make crucial farming decisions regarding the use of pesticides and fertilisers. Farmers now have the advantage of basing their decisions on research rather than just gut feelings or custom.

Introducing the Kisaan Helpline App

The Kisaan Helpline Mobile Application is a unique Kisan platform that offers farmers one-stop shopping for services. The village-level online platforms that make up Kisaan Helpline combine to offer a variety of services to farmers at the moment. With the assistance of more than 1.5 lakh farmers throughout India, Kisaan Helpline has established a niche for itself in the field of conscious and intelligent farming. A comprehensive and cutting-edge agriculture platform, the Smart Kheti and Krishi App for Farmers, links farmers and regular citizens from rural communities across the nation and assists them in producing high levels of productivity from their work and managing it effectively.

Here, we list the characteristics that the Kisaan Helpline mobile application must have:

• Weather forecasts: These inform farmers of the current weather conditions so they can adjust their farming practices.

• Livestock management: managing various livestock, including tracking their output and other tasks.

• GPS or location-based services would be beneficial for farmers.

• Broadcasting and video calls—to enable farmers to consult specialists via video calls. By broadcasting, they could build a community within the app where they could exchange useful advice or gain insight from other farmers' experiences.

• Support: To get responses to their questions from professionals.

• Calendar: For planning and monitoring various activities related to crops.

• Push notification: To get immediate alerts on various events or when a professional sends them a message.

• Organizing and maintaining a record of the pesticides, seeds, equipment, and other agricultural supplies

• Payment gateway: farmers can use this to purchase products from an online store.

• Crop information—to inform farmers of crop diseases, issues, and solutions.

The following list outlines the main characteristics of the Kisaan Helpline:

1) Keeps track of income and expansion

In modern farming, the days of recording your activities and expenses on a piece of paper are long gone. Spreadsheets aren't always the most effective way to gather and manage data. You can increase the productivity of your farm's financial operations by implementing software for agriculture management.

2) Measures of performance and risk

Field performance analysis can be a helpful tool for determining risk if you raise crops on your farm. You'll find it simpler to make future plans if you can look back on past corporate decisions. One aspect to take into account when assessing field performance, predicting yields, and estimating sale prices is input costs. You can organise data with the aid of a farm management system to help you make better business decisions.

3) Allows for simple data access

You must have access to information if you want to operate a profitable farming operation. On a daily basis, farm operations frequently involve a number of people. Farm staff can track crucial data that the farm owner can keep track of using farm management software.

4) Functions as a Growth Accelerator

The technology used in farm management systems is intended for the progressive farmer. A number of management systems can be accessed using tablets and smartphones. These features allow users to farm while they are on the go. The best farm management systems typically come with an annual fee to use them, but this is frequently a small price to pay when trying to expand your farm. Farming becomes more productive and profitable thanks to the use of farm management software.


Experts in agriculture and our team provide free access to all farming-related information for farmers. With over 25 agriculture experts, Kisaan Helpline offers a wide variety of information about more than 160 different types of crops and varieties, including phal-phal, herbal, Rabi, Kharif, and more. Crop seed selection, seed treatment, seed variety, soil testing, field and soil preparation, nurseries, planting of plants or seeds, choice of chemical and organic fertilisers, irrigation, crop protection, insecticides, fungicides, harvesting, and other related activities Additionally, you can view the most recent market price for your neighborhood’s market on Mandi wise. You may contact us if you have any concerns related to the content of the blog.

Saturday, 26 November 2022

Will the global agricultural online market ever triumph?


The agricultural industry has undergone tremendous change in the last 50 years. Machine advancements have increased farm equipment's scale, speed, and productivity, allowing for more efficient cultivation of more land. Seed, irrigation, and fertilisers have all significantly improved, assisting farmers in increasing yields. Agriculture is currently in the early stages of a new revolution, with data and connectivity at the forefront. Artificial intelligence, analytics, linked sensors, and other emerging technologies could increase crop yields, improve water and other input efficiency, and promote crop production and animal husbandry sustainability and resilience.

Kisaan Trade has launched a blog to investigate the future of agriculture's online markets and their role in globalization:

Food demand is rising, but supply is constrained by land and farming inputs

Other agricultural challenges have been exacerbated as a result of the COVID-19 quandary, including efficiency, resilience, digitization, agility, and sustainability. Lower sales volumes have strained margins, exacerbating farmers' need to cut costs even further. Gridlocked global supply networks have highlighted the importance of having more local providers, which could boost the resilience of smaller farms. Farmers' reliance on physical labour has exacerbated mobility issues for their workforces in this global epidemic.

The Future of Agriculture: How Technology Can Produce New Growth

Agriculture must embrace a digital transformation enabled by connectivity to address these forces poised to further roil the industry. Agriculture, however, remains less digitized than many other industries around the world. Previous advancements were primarily mechanical in the form of more powerful and efficient machinery and genetic in the form of more productive seed and fertilisers. To deliver the next productivity leap, much more sophisticated digital tools are required. Some already exist to help farmers use resources more efficiently and sustainably, while others are in the works.

Food demand is increasing while the supply side is constrained by land and farming inputs

However, the industry faces two significant challenges. Some regions lack the necessary connectivity infrastructure, necessitating its development. Farms in areas with existing connectivity infrastructure have been slow to deploy digital tools because their impact has not been sufficiently proven.

The COVID-19 crisis has exacerbated other agricultural challenges in five areas: efficiency, resilience, digitization, agility, and sustainability. Lower sales volumes have put pressure on margins, exacerbating farmers' need to cut costs even further. The importance of having more local providers has been highlighted by gridlocked global supply chains, which could increase the resilience of smaller farms. In this global pandemic, there is a heavy reliance on manual labour.

Digital Marketing in Agriculture

What advantages does agricultural digital marketing offer your business?

Agriculture and agribusiness have become more complex, with sub sectors such as agricultural machinery, precision agriculture, chemicals, farm equipment, crop production, supply-chain services, and others now included.

These businesses can now choose between traditional business outreach channels and web marketing practices. However, digital marketing for agriculture and the agribusiness sector enables organisations to gain more exposure and generate more business-to-business leads than ever before.

What exactly is the Kisaan trade?

Kisaan Trade is a B2B agricultural e-commerce portal based in India where users can buy agricultural machinery, tools, and other agricultural products.

Kisaan Trade is investigating the agri-e-commerce market opportunity.

1) Agri e-commerce potential to disrupt established agricultural value chains

In traditional agricultural value chains, several intermediaries existed between farmers and customers.

Farmers typically sell their produce at the farm gate to middlemen. The product is then passed through several intermediaries before reaching the end user. As a result, because each intermediary in the value chain receives a margin, farmers only receive a small portion of the price paid by the final customer.

2) Business models must be tailored to the local market's requirements

Scalable and long-term business models are required for agri-e-commerce enterprises to capitalize on growing opportunities. The operational functions performed by the agri e-commerce business in their local market determine the business model chosen. It is also influenced by factors like product categories and corporate strategic goals. In order to foster trust and user loyalty, a sustainable company strategy balances these factors.

3) In a variety of ways, mobile operators can add value to agricultural e-commerce businesses

Mobile operators have the potential to play an important role in the rapidly growing agri-e-commerce market. Mobile carriers, at their most basic, provide the connectivity that enables online services and, increasingly, digital payments via mobile money.

Apart from connectivity and payments, mobile operators can expand their agri e-commerce footprint by leveraging other critical assets such as APIs, investment capital, and distribution channels.

4) Stakeholders must work together to realise the agri-e-commerce opportunities

Agri e-commerce is still in its early stages, particularly in developing countries.

The business potential and potential societal consequences, on the other hand, are undeniable. Governments and investors, in addition to agro e-commerce companies and mobile providers, can take advantage of this opportunity to stimulate agricultural production.

5). E-commerce has had a significant impact on nearly every industry, from consumer electronics and fashion to entertainment and personal care

There is more visibility in the global supply chain because buyers and sellers are much closer and more easily connected thanks to the internet. Today, the majority of consumer journeys in these industries begin online, through search engines, social media recommendations, online reviews, or digital marketing.


Agriculture, one of the oldest industries on the planet, has reached a technological tipping point. To meet rising demand and various disruptive trends, the sector will need to overcome deployment barriers for improved connectivity. This will necessitate significant infrastructure investment as well as a restructuring of traditional responsibilities. One of the world's oldest companies in terms of profitability and sustainability is a mistake. Please contact us for more information on this topic.