Thursday, 3 March 2022

What is the role of a farmer?


Being a farmer isn't exactly the most glamorous job in the world. During planting and harvesting season, farmers often work until the sun goes down. Most of a farmer's day-to-day chores are still physically hard, even if modern agricultural technology has made the labor considerably less physically taxing than it was a few generations ago.

Keeping track of harvests and inventory has become increasingly difficult for farmers in the contemporary era due to the volatile nature of weather and commodity prices. However, farmers' contributions to agriculture cannot be understated.

What are the responsibilities of a farmer?

● As a farmer, your primary aim is to produce a high-quality crop and/or healthy livestock in order to support yourself and your family.

● A farmer's duties vary depending on the type of farming they do. A farmer has to have a broad understanding of the agricultural sector, whether it is purchasing and planting seeds on a cash crop farm, obtaining superior breeding stock on an animal husbandry farm, or the nutrition and care of a specific type of animals on an animal production farm.

● A thorough working understanding of mechanics is typically required by farmers in order to maintain their machinery functioning and in best condition.

● Farmers must be well-versed in the restrictions and regulations imposed on the sector by the Food and Drug Administration, state agencies, and municipal governments.

What is the role of a farmer?

Planned Actions and Goals

A farmer's job includes a lot of planning. There are several factors that go into determining a farmer's success, including what crops will thrive in their soil, climate, the cost of fertilizer and irrigation and the availability of harvesting labor. Managing a farm is no different than managing a company, and preparation is essential for success.

Season of Sowing

Farmers' work is never quiet during the planting season. For each crop, farmers need to make sure they've got the right amount of workers, equipment, and seed. Then, they have to wait for the fields to dry up or plant winter wheat seed before the first freeze. During planting season, farmers generally work from sunrise until sunset.

Monitoring the Weather and Fertilizing Your Plants

A farmer's life tends to slow down when the crop is planted. Keeping an eye on the weather and pests, as well as fertilizing the crops, are the key duties of farmers while their crops are growing, according to

It's Crop Time!

Farming's busiest season is upon us, and harvest is no exception. Farmers have to be prepared for harvesting in a matter of days or perhaps a few weeks when the window of opportunity is so small. The weather has a major impact on harvesting, since a hailstorm or an early cold or warm snap may wreak havoc on a crop. Farmers often labor 12 or more hours a day during harvesting, ensuring that harvests are put into trucks and sent to market.

What are the different kinds of farmers?

There are many different kinds of farmers, such as the following:

● Fruit, vegetables, cereals, and cattle are all grown without the use of pesticides or other chemicals.

● Crops of grain and forage Farmers cultivate grains such as wheat, barley, canola, canola, oats, rye, flax, peas, and specialty crops or fodder crops such as ryegrass and oat straw.

● Cows are kept for milk and other dairy products on the farm owned or managed by a Dairy Farmer.

● Domesticated birds, such as goose, duck, turkey or chicken are commonly raised by poultry farmers.

● One who raises animals like cattle or sheep or less common livestock like bison or ostrich or alpacas is known as a rancher. "Rancher"

● One who tends bees and collects nectar from their hives is referred to as "beekeeper."

● Vermi culturists are those who cultivate worms and employ them in the production of organic fertilizer and compost from waste items such as rotting food, excrement and grass clippings.

● A person who keeps and produces crocodiles and alligators for the purpose of selling their hides and flesh as well as other products

Are you a good fit for farming?

Farmers all have their own unique characteristics. As a result, they are likely to be adventurous, ambitious, forceful, outgoing, energized, enthusiastic, confident, and optimistic. They are also likely to be entrepreneurial. They have a lot of influence, are persuasive, and inspire others. Some of them are also investigative, which means that they are smart, introspective, and curious about the world around them.

Where does a Farmer go to work?

In the agricultural business, a farmer's place of employment is determined by the field in which they choose to specialize. Fish farming, income crop farming, animal husbandry, and livestock production are just a few of the many alternatives accessible.

Fish farming

Fishermen tend to specialize on a single type of fish, such as tilapia, in order to manage a big fishery. In order to help revive a depleted waterway, these farmers raise fish that will either be prepared for human food or put back into the water. It is imperative that aquaculture farmers have a thorough understanding of their species' needs, as well as any regulations imposed on them by the federal, state, and municipal governments.

Cash crop farming

Crops raised for market, medical use, animal feed, and the burgeoning herbal business are all examples of cash crop farming. Farmers in this profession will plant, fertilize and harvest crops as well as transport them to production elevators during harvest time. To be successful in their sector, cash crop farmers will need to have a thorough understanding of planting, harvesting, and weather patterns.

Some of these crops may be processed and sold back to the farmers for future use, or they may be repurposed. Crops that are acquired by seed firms are processed and sold to farmers for use as seeds the following season. Examples of a circular sale include crops that are bought to make animal feed, which is then sold to farmers in the animal husbandry and livestock production areas.

Animal husbandry

The primary goal of animal husbandry is to raise strong, healthy animals that can be processed for human food in the future. In this industry, farmers tend to specialize in one species of livestock and work hard to produce the greatest quality progeny each year.

After a period of time, the present breeding stock is sold and the offspring are reared to take its place. In order to have the greatest outcomes in breeding, animal husbandry requires a thorough understanding of bloodlines and species kinds, as well as the best potential out crossings of those types.

The offspring may also be sold to other farms that specialize in animal production for a specific purpose. Specialized livestock production may include purchasing progeny from animal husbandry farms for use in the production of veal, for example.

Earnings of Farmers

Farmers put in long hours but are rewarded handsomely for their efforts. BLS estimates that by 2020, the average farmer would be making $68,090 a year. Crop prices and crop failures have a tremendous effect on a farmer's income. Government subsidies or insurance schemes that pay farmers for low crop yields or even not planting at all are available to many contemporary farmers, especially those who manage big enterprises.

Wednesday, 2 March 2022

What are the different types of farming?


For the first time in human history, our ancestors were able to settle down in one place and build their first settlements thanks to farming. There are several farming methods that our ancestors could never have dreamed of in current times.

To give you an idea of how diverse this industry has developed, here are a few examples: Be aware that the majority of the procedures listed here are based on old-fashioned practices. Hydroponics and other cutting-edge approaches will be discussed individually.

What are the different types of farming?

Crop Rotation

By rotating crops, land may be divided into sections (usually three to four). Crops are sown in half of the areas where nutrients are drawn from the soil. To replenish nutrients that have been lost by harvesting, crops that re-establish the nutrients are planted in the previously harvested areas.

Since no more fertilizers or chemicals are required to maintain the land, there are no additional costs. Crop rotation methods may generate a lower amount of the desired crop, but they are less expensive to cultivate and tend to provide better food crops.

Industrial Farming

Pesticides and fertilizer must be used in large volumes in this practice, which is also known as intensive farming. In order to produce a big number of crops, the farmer relies on high-yielding seeds.

Subsidies have encouraged many farmers in the United States to stop producing food and instead use this method to produce industrial corn, a barely edible variety of corn that is mixed with numerous enzymes to produce corn syrup, an artificial sweetener that has the same effects as sugar but is cheaper to produce than sugar.

As a result, high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), an artificial sweetener that is extremely inexpensive to make but has a wide variety of health hazards, may be produced.

As a way to generate vast volumes of industrial products at a faster rate in other nations, industrial farming has been implemented. Non-food commodities like jute, hemp, industrial maize, or cotton are the main emphasis of this industry rather than food crops.

Terrace farming

This is an ancient way of farming that is being used today since it allows farmers to cultivate mountainsides and slopes.. Crops are grown on steppes created by constructing a series of terraces to avoid erosion. When describing it through examples, it is most typically connected with Native American and Celtic civilizations.

Pastoral Farming

The practice of rearing cattle and other animals is known as pastoral farming. Land may be self-sufficient because of the natural fertilizer provided by the manure created during grazing.

It is more common for pastoral dairy producers to produce higher-quality milk and healthier animals than those who keep their herds indoor and feed them grain.

Complimentary Farming

Plants are paired based on their inherent pest-repellent characteristics, root depth, and other criteria in this kind of farming. The consequence is that one square yard of farmland provides enough wheat to bake a loaf while simultaneously supporting a variety of flower and agricultural plantings.

Complimentary farming does not utilize pesticides and often contains plants that renew the soil, making fertilizers unnecessary in most circumstances.

Dairy Farming

Cows and goats are commonly used in this form of milk production, and the milk is subsequently collected. Dairy products, such as cheese and butter, can be made from this milk and sold to other countries.

Because of the industry's size, even small dairies may export their products to be processed at collecting facilities. This form of farming necessitates a great deal of preparation and organization since milk degrades rapidly.

Dry Farming

Many places on the planet are suffering from severe drought. Only minimal or no irrigation is a possible option for farmers in these regions. Drought-resistant crops are grown in dry farming, which results in a lower yield but consumes less water than conventional techniques.

Multiple Farming

Different crops are grown at different stages of their life cycle to avoid competition for nutrients and soil space, which is the term given to the practice of multiple farming. Your garden is an example of a multi-farming operation.

Nomadic Farming

Shepherds still utilize this age-old technique, which involves herding animals to a new region after a period of time in which they graze on the previous site have run out of food for them.

The capacity to graze might be affected by the seasons for certain nomadic farmers, thus they have to travel long distances.

Plantation Farming

There is a good chance you've heard of a plantation before. There are plantations all across the world, but they're mostly found in the British colonies, where they've been popular for centuries.

In most cases, a plantation will specialize in a particular crop, such as bananas or coffee or oranges or rubber. Many plantations are so productive that they have their own processing facilities.

Modern plantations rely significantly on irrigation, fertilizers, herbicides, and machinery because their crops can't be transported and often take years to begin producing a harvest. Plantations such as orchards, vineyards, and others take time to grow, but they offer farmers a long-term supply of food.

Shifting Farming

Crop rotation was utilized by early farmers before the development of this strategy. Using this practice, tiny portions of the forest are razed or cleared to make way for new agriculture.

For the next two to three years, the land is worked by the farmer. As the soil grows increasingly barren, the yield decreases year after year. We need to find a new home for the property someday.

Because there are so many more efficient options available, shifting farming is becoming increasingly unusual. Some isolated aboriginal populations, though, may still use the practice.

Subsistence Farming

If you've got a garden, you're most likely cultivating it for your own use. These tracts of land produce barely enough food for the family to survive on. There is no electricity or irrigation on this allotment, which is worked by the entire family. Subsistence farmers' limited income makes it difficult for them to invest in high-yield seeds, fertilizer, or a separate plot for cash crops.